Textual Analysis
My big fat gypsy wedding is a documentary series produced by Firecracker films. The series shown on Channel 4 in early 2010, focuses on the lifestyles of travellers, and the conventions of their weddings. The film follows various families, as they discuss their traditions and values in their small community. I found the documentary interesting because it highlighted the differences in our cultures, and gave me a stronger understanding of their community.
The opening of the documentary uses a voiceover to explain the purpose of the show. There is fast-paced editing, switching between different clips. Most of the shots are close ups, many showing the designer wedding dresses. One shot shows a dirty caravan with rubbish around it, reflecting the negative stereotype of traveller community. The voice over describes the divide between the two cultures, and the importance of a wedding to traveller girls.
The series is a social documentary, focusing on peoples lifestyles. The show follows many typical conventions of documentary, such voiceovers, structured interviews, and footage. The mixture of interviews and cases helps the documentary appear unbias. Like most Channel 4 Documentaries the film looks at a lifestyle which is shocking or unusual to the viewer. It is a mainstream documentary, with a popular topic which appeals to a wide audience.
Because Channel 4’s popularity, the series had a very wide audience. The show was majorly targeted at 20-40 year olds, English working class people. The show was greatly popular with an average of seven million viewers each show.
The series caused controversy because of it’s portrayal of the community. Many travellers stated the show only reflected a small aspect of their community, and it shouldn’t be generalised. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/8320671/My-Big-Fat-Gypsy-Wedding-A-Frocky-Horror-Show-on-Wheels.html
Typical of Channel 4's documentaries the style of the film is fairly expoitive and controversial. The documentary shows examples which are most shocking and so interesting to the viewer, also focusing on the negative aspects of gypsy lifestyles. Whilst the documentary seems to challenge the steriotypes of the travelling community, its examples seem to reflect them. The circus-like music played throughout the documentary, suggests a bizzare potrayal.
Typical of Channel 4's documentaries the style of the film is fairly expoitive and controversial. The documentary shows examples which are most shocking and so interesting to the viewer, also focusing on the negative aspects of gypsy lifestyles. Whilst the documentary seems to challenge the steriotypes of the travelling community, its examples seem to reflect them. The circus-like music played throughout the documentary, suggests a bizzare potrayal.
The documentary uses a range of shots, which engage the viewer and show the details, scenery, and expressions of the people.
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